

时间:2019-08-15 来源: 作者:

  食品伙伴网讯 据新加坡食品局消息,2019年7月18日,新加坡食品局发布通告称,立即解除从美国康涅狄格州费尔菲尔德县受影响处及周边10公里半径限制区进口家禽和家禽产品的限制。


  We refer to our circular dated 2 April 2019 regarding the temporary import restriction on the importation of poultry and poultry products from the 10 km radius restricted area around the affected premises in Fairfield County, Connecticut, USA. We are pleased to inform you that the restrictions on the poultry and poultry products from Fairfield County, Connecticut, USA are lifted with immediate effect.


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