

时间:2019-08-15 来源: 作者:

  食品伙伴网讯 2019年7月17日,据印度食品安全标准局(FSSAI)消息,印度食品安全标准局最近公布了2019年《食品安全和标准(标签和展示)条例》草案,草案主要内容为要求垃圾食品必须贴上警告标签。



  The draft further proposes that companies must also disclose information on the serving size and the per serve percentage contribution of a particular ingredient (like salt or transfats) to the recommended dietary allowance (RDA)。 'Serving size' is the maximum quantity of food that a person should consume from a package of food. For example, the serving size declared on the package of the Lay's Chips in the US and Europe is 28 grams or 15 chips. That is, according to PepsiCo, the makers of Lay's Chips, one should not consume more than 15 potato chips in one sitting. The RDA is the recommended daily intake of calories, salt, sugar and fats for a normal person; consuming more than this in a day is considered unhealthy. The idea of putting serving size and the per serve percentage contribution to RDA is to inform the consumers about the 'unhealthiness' of packaged and processed food.


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